Fizzy Color Cubes

Create special colored ice cubes that fizz outside on the concrete for some fun in the sun! Here are step-by-step directions for the activity, including pictures and expanded questions to discuss with the children. This activity requires freeze time, so plan to provide other activities while waiting.

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Celebrating Flag Day

flagpole in fieldNational Flag Day is celebrated annually on June 14, commemorating the day when the Stars and Stripes was adopted as the official flag of the United States in 1777. Closely examine a flag with the children. What colors do they see? Count the stripes together. Explain that when our country began, there were 13 colonies that became the first states. The thirteen stripes represent the original colonies. Now we have 50 states, and there is a star for each state. Offer some of these patriotic activities to celebrate Flag Day!

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The Great Sunscreen Experiment

Sunscreen-ExperimentAhhh….summer is here, and the days are hot and sunny. Grab your swimsuit, towel, flip-flops—and wait! Don’t forget the sunscreen! (Insert children’s groans here.)

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Here Comes Summer! Activities for When You’re All Out of Ideas

Do you struggle finding things to do with children during the summer? Here’s a few ideas to add a little extra fun every week!

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It’s the Little Things

As toddlers grow up, they often get used to adults doing everything for them, whether it’s zipping their coat or buttoning their shirt. Toddlers are curious by nature, and so you have probably noticed them watching you do these tasks that you don’t normally think twice about. For instance, I was watching my three-year-old niece trying to button her pajama top for the first time when I remembered that we all had to be taught how to do everyday tasks such as that one. It is easy to forget that little everyday tasks take A LOT of concentration and energy for little fingers, but it’s a very important stage of early learning and development.

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